
discuz x3.2我收藏的版块和帖子查询

2020/07/08 10:08:42
因为有些常用的帖子和版块每次都要点来点去的去找,所以干脆把收藏功能拿出来用,做个菜单,随时查看和删除。 查询代码: 1.我收藏的版块
  1. $forum_favorites = DB::fetch_all("SELECT a.*,b.name,b.todayposts,c.icon,c.description as forum_description FROM ".DB::table('home_favorite')." a LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('forum_forum')." b on b.fid=a.id LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('forum_forumfield')." c on c.fid=b.fid WHERE a.`idtype`= 'fid' AND a.`uid`='$_G[uid]' ORDER BY a.`dateline` DESC LIMIT 0,10");//版块
  1. $thread_favorites = DB::fetch_all("SELECT a.*,b.authorid,b.author,b.views,b.replies,b.tid,c.attachment,c.remote FROM ".DB::table('home_favorite')." a LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('forum_thread')." b on b.tid=a.id LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('forum_threadimage')." c on c.tid=b.tid WHERE a.`idtype`= 'tid' AND a.`uid`='$_G[uid]' ORDER BY a.`dateline` DESC LIMIT 0,10");//帖子
  1. $article_favorites = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_favorite')." a LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('portal_article_title')." b on b.aid=a.id WHERE a.`idtype`= 'aid' AND a.`uid`='$_G[uid]' ORDER BY a.`dateline` DESC LIMIT 0,20");//文章
  1. $groups_favorites = DB::fetch_all("SELECT a.*,b.*,c.description as forum_description FROM ".DB::table('home_favorite')." a LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('forum_forum')." b on b.fid=a.id LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('forum_forumfield')." c on c.fid=b.fid WHERE a.`idtype`= 'gid' AND a.`uid`='$_G[uid]' ORDER BY a.`dateline` DESC LIMIT 0,20");//群组
  1. $blogs_favorites = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_favorite')." a LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('home_blog')." b on b.blogid=a.id LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('home_blogfield')." c on c.blogid=a.id WHERE a.`idtype`= 'blogid' AND a.`uid`='$_G[uid]' ORDER BY a.`dateline` DESC LIMIT 0,20");//日志
可被收藏的就这些了吧。 这里只是列出20条,像帖子、文章、日志这种可能会收藏很多,如果有分页需要可以利用自带的分页函数来分页。 20170603 补充调用方法
  1. {loop $forum_favorites $value} $value['字段'] {/loop}
  1. {loop $thread_favorites $value} $value['字段'] {/loop}
20180430 补充文章、日志、群组的查询