
西瓜同城到家插件导入作者提供的默认默认导入数据报错#1364 - Field `nocheck``tuij` doesn't have a default value解决办法

2023/07/22 18:19:29
西瓜同城到家插件导入作者提供的默认默认导入数据报错#1364 - Field `nocheck`、`tuij`、`hidelevel`、`hideyg`、`hidetext`、`hidepic`、`pubtype` doesn't have a default value解决办法:

原因:`nocheck`、`tuij`、`hidelevel`、`hideyg`、`hidetext`、`hidepic`、`pubtype`这些字段没有指定默认值,在最新的X3.5 utf8mb4数据库格式里面会报错:


  1. delete from pre_xigua_ho_nav;
  2. delete from pre_xigua_ho_cat;

  3. INSERT INTO `pre_xigua_ho_nav` (`id`, `pid`, `name`, `icon`, `icon2`, `adimage`, `adlink`, `ts`, `o`, `pushtype`, `price`, `tag`, `placehoder`, `endtime`, `cat_ids`, `miao`, `qiang`, `goodindex`, `telprice`, `stids`, `aprice`, `iconname`, `up`, `highlight`, `type`) VALUES
  4. (1, 0, '首页', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i1.png', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i2.png', '', 'plugin.php?id=xigua_ho', 1574218716, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '0.00', '', 0, '', ''),
  5. (2, 0, '服务', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i3.png', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i4.png', '', 'plugin.php?id=xigua_ho&ac=cat', 1574218716, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '0.00', '', 0, '', ''),
  6. (4, 0, '需求', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i5.png', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i6.png', '', 'plugin.php?id=xigua_ho&ac=needs&inmap=0', 1574221447, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '0.00', '', 0, '', ''),
  7. (5, 0, '我的', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i7.png', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/i8.png', '', 'plugin.php?id=xigua_ho&ac=my', 1574221447, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '0.00', '', 0, '', '');

  8. ALTER TABLE `pre_xigua_ho_cat` MODIFY COLUMN `nocheck` INT DEFAULT 0;
  9. ALTER TABLE `pre_xigua_ho_cat` MODIFY COLUMN `tuij` INT DEFAULT 0;
  10. ALTER TABLE `pre_xigua_ho_cat` MODIFY COLUMN `hidelevel` INT DEFAULT 0;
  11. ALTER TABLE `pre_xigua_ho_cat` MODIFY COLUMN `hideyg` INT DEFAULT 0;
  12. ALTER TABLE `pre_xigua_ho_cat` MODIFY COLUMN `hidetext` INT DEFAULT 0;
  13. ALTER TABLE `pre_xigua_ho_cat` MODIFY COLUMN `hidepic` INT DEFAULT 0;
  14. ALTER TABLE `pre_xigua_ho_cat` MODIFY COLUMN `pubtype` INT DEFAULT 0;

  15. INSERT INTO `pre_xigua_ho_cat` (`id`, `pid`, `name`, `icon`, `adimage`, `adlink`, `ts`, `o`, `pushtype`, `price`, `tag`, `placehoder`, `endtime`, `fid`, `in_ad`, `in_adlnk`, `isshow`, `multiprice`, `tpl`, `telpri`, `groups`, `verify1`, `verify2`, `bao`, `maxdig`, `apprice`, `share_title`, `share_desc`, `share_pic`, `cat_link`, `zdprice`, `jiaobiao`, `color`) VALUES
  16. (4, 0, '装修维修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/icon2.png', '', '', 1574678980, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/a1.png', '', '', '', '#80caca'),
  17. (5, 4, '管道疏通', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/gd.png', '', '', 1574678988, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  18. (6, 4, '空调清洗', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/kt.png', '', '', 1574679006, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  19. (7, 0, '保姆月嫂', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/icon1.png', '', '', 1574679017, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/a7.png', '', '', '', '#dd7b6d'),
  20. (8, 7, '保姆', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/bm.png', '', '', 1574679034, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  21. (9, 4, '防水补漏', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/fs.png', '', '', 1576040203, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  22. (10, 4, '水路装修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/sl.png', '', '', 1576040203, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  23. (11, 7, '钟点工', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/zdg.png', '', '', 1576040203, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  24. (12, 7, '月嫂', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/ys.png', '', '', 1576040203, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  25. (13, 7, '看护陪护', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/kh.png', '', '', 1576040203, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  26. (14, 4, '电路装修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/dl.png', '', '', 1576040289, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  27. (15, 0, '家电维修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/icon3.png', '', '', 1576040325, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/a8.png', '', '', '', '#bc7cec'),
  28. (17, 0, '二手回收', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/icon4.png', '', '', 1576040384, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/a5.png', '', '', '', '#75aaef'),
  29. (18, 0, '生活配送', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/icon5.png', '', '', 1576040384, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/a6.png', '', '', '', '#8fd6de'),
  30. (19, 15, '电视维修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/ds.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  31. (20, 15, '冰箱维修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/bx.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  32. (21, 15, '热水维修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/rs.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  33. (22, 15, '洗衣机维修', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/xyj.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  34. (23, 15, '家电安装', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/jd.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  35. (24, 15, '其他维修', '', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  36. (25, 17, '家电回收', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/jd.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  37. (26, 17, '家具回收', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/jj.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  38. (27, 17, '办公回收', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/bg.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  39. (28, 17, '设备回收', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/sb.png', '', '', 1577344079, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  40. (29, 18, '桶装水', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/tzs.png', '', '', 1577344130, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  41. (30, 18, '液化气', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/rq.png', '', '', 1577344130, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  42. (31, 18, '跑腿服务', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/pt.png', '', '', 1577344130, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
  43. (32, 18, '派发传单', 'source/plugin/xigua_ho/static/img/cd.png', '', '', 1577344130, 0, '', '0.00', '', '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '0.00', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0.00', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');